Our left brain needs a creative workout regularly. By doing so, we release stress and tension and are opened up to the beauty of life and the freedom and intimacy of creativity. You actually begin to see, experience and even breathe differently in the world; thereby stimulating fresh ideas which can be applied to right AND left brain activities and at the same time, build a more balanced life.
I watch Art 21 regularly on my local PBS station. Themes such as equality, play, romance, ecology and more are covered within the viewpoint of an artist. These hour-long programs literally allow me to 'crawl into creativity' and view artists at work on an experiential level. I learn about the cutting edge of art, the mind and thought processes of contemporary artists and view the actual creation of their work in-studio or as an installation in situ. It's fascinating!
Being creative is a meditation; one enters an interior serenity deep within while creating the art. It is a space in which you can truly experience your soul, heart and mind on a purely personal and intimate level. At times, the intimacy may be unsettling and uncomfortable, but in the end it is always rewarding. -----SweetKali
I encourage all 'left brainers' to watch Art 21. You can also see full episodes online here.
Your right brain will be grateful and reward you generously.
Art21: Season 4 - Romance
Artists explore the roles that intuition, emotion, fantasy, and escapism play in contemporary art.